Reading Bates’ research on learning theory taught me that learning theory covers behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and connections.

Different Types of Learning Theories – Understanding the Basics | My Love  for Learning
  • Behaviorists believe that learning is the connection between stimulus and response, and their basic assumption is that behavior is learners’ response to environmental stimuli. They view the environment as a stimulus, the accompanying organic behavior as a response, and all behavior as learned. Applying behaviorism learning theory in school education requires teachers to master ways to shape and correct students’ behaviors, create an environment for students, strengthen students’ appropriate behaviors, and eliminate inappropriate behaviors to the greatest extent possible. For example, children will try to do the same thing when they watch an adult act.
  • Cognitive learning theorists believe learning lies in the change of internal cognition, and learning is a much more complicated process than the S-R association. They pay attention to the intermediate process of explaining learning behavior, i.e. purpose, meaning, etc., believing that these processes are the variable factors controlling learning. For example, cognitive theory is a student-centered approach to education. Having students work in groups is another way.
  • Connectionism describes a learning mode that ADAPTS to the changes in the current social structure. Learning is no longer an internalized individual activity. When new learning tools are used, people’s learning styles and learning purposes also change. Connectionism is based on the understanding that rapid changes in the knowledge base lead to changes in decision-making, that new information is continually acquired, and that the ability to distinguish between important and non-essential information is critical. The starting point of connectionism is the individual, whose knowledge forms a network that is incorporated into various organizations and institutions, whose knowledge in turn is fed back to the individual network to provide continued learning for the individual. Connectionism holds that the connection between situational sensation and impulsive response is the basis of learning and the basic unit of mental behavior. Connectionism, for example, is a teaching method that connects students’ emotions in some form. Have competitions or games in class.

The reason why I choose to study learning theories is that I want to learn various theories to help me learn more effectively. I also hope to better guide future children through different theories. In different theories, I think I’m more suited to behaviorism because I’m more hands-on.


Bates, A. T. (n.d.). 2.3 Objectivism and behaviourism – Teaching in a Digital Age: Third Edition – General. 2.3 Objectivism and Behaviourism – Teaching in A Digital Age: Third Edition – General.

The 5 Learning Theories. (2021, August 22). YouTube.