Connectionism inherits some features of the new connectionism of cognitive science, which views learning as a network-forming process. But neo-connectionism focuses solely on how learning happens in our heads, while connectionism focuses on the formation process and the creation of meaningful networks, which may include technology-mediated learning, acknowledging that learning happens when we talk to others. Connectionism is strongly concerned with the connection of external sources of knowledge, rather than merely trying to explain how knowledge is formed in our minds.

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The connectionism I found in the learning process is that teachers categorize all students and form groups. Let them do all their homework and study by themselves. This is very much in line with connectionism. Effectively blurring the distinction between teachers and students. The whole teaching model will become more relaxed and enjoyable. In getting along with teachers, we can reduce a lot of pressure and feel that teachers are just like friends. Learning activities are much less compulsory. This allows us to bring out more of our natural instincts and express our opinions freely. The evaluation aspect is to evaluate the overall capability of a group and the way they work together. This will be of great help to future development. This will be a model of success for my subject because it can help me digest what I have learned and fully reflect it in my homework.